Friday, July 4, 2008

This week in review

* I found my ideal teapot! Purple with a gold rim and spout...and a price tag of $400. Ill be admiring from afar me thinks.

*I am frustrated and upset by the lack of loyalty and gumption shown by certain people i work with. I would love to build a bridge and get over it....however i dwell, im an expert dweller..and i just cant believe how brain numbingly oblivious some people can be.

*This week i've reacquainted myself with Madonna's The Immaculate it still 1983? I think not...but still loving the pure pop pleasure of classic 80's Madge.

*Its often surprising who you just naturally click with...and with who you have to work at clicking with...and with who you can have an entire conversation with without uttering a word. Its been a week of conversations, to be sure, both spoken and not so spoken:)

*Its sometimes the little things that make a week. A nice new nail polish, a smile, a crisp apple, an unexpected email. Then again its hard to miss the big things.

Post over...go play:)


Crystal said...

Sometimes the big things are little things, in hindsight. Or in the grand scheme of things.
Sorry, rambling. I'll go play now.

hotbutteredpopkorn said...

Blow the teapot, go the coffee.