Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Getting to know me.....

Random info:

* I have loved the word "quixotic" ever since i heard it in 'The Importance of Being Ernest' by Oscar Wilde.

* I love the purple and red jelly babies and snakes the most...and when you combine their powers, wow!

* My dream travel destinations (in no particular order) are: Turkey, Cuba, Moscow, Morocco, Mongolia and Oman.

* I know my lifetime will be too short to accomplish everything i want to do-however it doesnt stop me being rather lazy.

* I dont actually like Carrie from 'Sex and the City'....its true....now awaiting the hate mail!

* I was born at the Queen Victoria Hospital in Melbourne, Australia.

* Im currently undertaking a search for my ideal teapot! If you've seen the 'Madison Lifestyle' book, its the purple one with the gold rim....and if you can tell me where to find one, ill be very grateful.

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